Customer Testimonials

“After completion, our project was Green Globes Certified. McCree's outstanding team of professionals has ensured qualification for this award throughout the entirety of the project while continually looking for ways to save us money. Above and beyond the quality of the work lies the quality of the individuals of the McCree team. They have been a pleasure to work with and one that I would not hesitate to use again.”
Helene Loiselle

Valencia College

“We have completed numerous projects with their team; including sound studios, offices, lobbies, editing suites and satellite farms. We continue to use McCree for our construction projects because they are professional, reliable and provide us with the highest quality and value for our money. Our projects are high-tech and tend to be complicated. McCree has surpassed our expectations time and time again and I rest easy knowing our projects are in their hands.”
Michelle Barnes

The Golf Channel

“Everyone can see the dramatic improvements on our campus - from the campus-wide painting, new building lettering and signage, landscaping and so much more. New fire alarm and security systems, new bell and PA systems and a top-of-the-line air conditioning system will be combined with a whole new roof! We thank Paul Lambert and the McCree team!”
Allison Kirby

Jones High School OCPS

“I can say to you that working in partnership with the McCree team has been a great joy for us at the church. They are not only superb contractors, they are admirable people. The result is the quality of their finished product here at First Presbyterian is a thing of great beauty.”
J. Howard Edington

First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

“We greatly appreciate that Richard McCree and his team worked diligently to maintain superior quality during these fast paced projects. Orlando Science Center must remain open to the public during these fast paced projects. McCree has been very dedicated to make sure that their efforts do not interfere with our visitor experience.”
JoAnn Newman

Orlando Science Center

“Northrop Grumman holds high standards for our products and customer experience as well as our professional conduct. McCree shared our philosophies of both quality and value, and the renovations done with McCree are proof of that. McCree also met the challenges of a short deadline and uninterrupted work flow, finishing the projects on time and under budget.”
Jim Hilf

Northrop Grumman

“Recently, McCree completed work on three major recreational-use projects for Brevard County: Kelly Park, Edgewood Park, and the Space Coast Stadium. Their expert knowledge of the process and their personal involvement through every phase, including pre-construction, proves they are a true partner with our community and have a vested interest in seeing us succeed.”
William J. Ross

Brevard County

“Sterling Silver Scape & Sod, Inc. has had the privilege of working as an MBE Contractor with the City of Orlando for 30+ years. During that time, we have worked with many nice Contractors, but I must say that McCree has been exceptional. Not only were they a pleasure to work with, both their office and field staff, but they treated me and my employees with the utmost respect and dignity. In my opinion, McCree General Contractors and Architects stand above all other Contractors and the City of Orlando should be congratulated for having such an impressive firm on their Team.”
Sterling C Silver

Sterling Silver Scape & Sod

“I want to express my sincere personal appreciation to you and the entire McCree staff for your efforts on the Ronald McDonald House of Orlando. This was a true community effort and the grass roots support we received from you and your vendors, suppliers, and sub-contractors was nothing short of outstanding in every way.”
J. Thomas Chandler

Ronald McDonald House of Orlando

“Considering the business we’re in, this is one of our most important facilities. We are very satisfied with it, with McCree’s work in building it, and in the way the facility has stood up to hard use. Thank you for your exceptional work ethic, attention to detail, and lasting quality.”
Stan Aron

Darden Restaurants

“The projects were completed in a very professional manner with McCree truly caring about meeting our high expectations. Everyone from Richard McCree, Jr. to the subs on the job cared about doing things the right way. They communicated with us daily and made sure that they did what they said they were going to do. I would truly recommend McCree as a company. You'll get great service, a great finished project, and you get it done on time!”
Dr. William E. Harris

The Masters Academy

“Throughout the project the McCree team was accessible and responsive to all stakeholders in the project. I consider McCree and the City a true partnership in realizing our project goals”
Tom Connery

City of Orlando Public Works

“McCree was in charge of the comprehensive renovation of our school. During that time McCree was always on site keeping in good communication with the school and staff. They were always friendly and courteous. Our new administration building is good quality, and we are happy with it.”
Kris S Viles

Union Park Middle School OCPS

“We expected a contractor to ensure minority and local community participation in the work. In addition, we wanted a contractor who had demonstrated evidence of quality workmanship, project safety, meeting timelines, and keeping within budget. McCree met every criteria at an above-exceptional level and the building itself stands as proof of the quality of work.”
Reverend Derrick A. Williams

Shiloh Baptist Church of Orlando

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Ready to create something special?

Contact McCree General Contractors & Architects for your construction needs.